How To Get Your Life Together [57 Easy Ways]

how to get your life together

Getting your life together is not easy, but it’s full of rewarding experiences. However, learning how to get your life together is something we all have dealt with. Each person has different struggles, and they are unique to us individually.

It is important to understand that the difficulties we face are common, but our journey to overcome them is individual. Tailor your decisions in life to your journey.

Getting your life together can be a long process that takes a lot of work and time. So take it one day at a time and set small goals to motivate you towards getting your life together.  

What Can I Do To Get My Life Together?

learning how to get your life together is important to your mental and physical health

The answer is simple. You must create a vision for your life. It’s not enough to just have goals. Your goals need to be accompanied by a vision of how you are going to achieve them.

A vision is what you want your life to look like. It’s a picture of who you want to become. A vision tells us where we’re heading and why we’re headed there.

In order to make a vision real, you first need to ask yourself what you want your life’s purpose to be. Then write down everything you think could help you achieve this.

You may find it helpful to break these thoughts down into smaller pieces. For example, if you’re looking to lose weight, you might list all of the different ways you would eat less and exercise more. Then write down all of the steps you need to take to get from here to there.

Finally, decide which goal you’ll focus on next. This should be the first step in creating a vision. Once you know what you want, you can then begin to formulate ideas on how you plan to achieve it.

To summarize: Make sure that your vision is big, but also achievable.

57 Easy Ways To Get Your Life Together

Here are some of the easiest ways to get your life back together without having to make too many sacrifices:

1. Avoid Complaining

avoid complaining to get your life together

The first step of getting your life together is to stop complaining about everything going wrong. Complaining is not bad at all, but when you do it constantly, it can turn unhealthy in more ways than one.

Constantly pointing out the negative parts of your life makes you look like a victim, and those who care for you may start avoiding you because you complain all the time. While there are plenty of things to complain about, there are also many things to be thankful for.

2. Be Proactive Instead Of Reactive

Taking charge and getting your life together is all about being proactive rather than reactive. The negative events that happen in our lives can be prevented by making smart decisions ahead of time. It would be best to take the least toxic route by avoiding toxic people, cynical people, and toxic situations.

3. Find Someone You Can Talk To

Talking about your feelings with a friend or a family member helps relieve stress. When we tell others our problems, they can give us their perspective on the situation and help us resolve it, which keeps our mental health in check.

Remember that some toxic people will try to discourage you from talking openly about your problems, so avoid toxic people if possible.

4. Get Organized

get organized and learn how to get your life together

One thing that can help you get your life together is getting organized. This will help you have a clear mind because everything has its place. You should organize your tasks around short-term, mid-term, and long-term goals to focus on the future instead of dwelling on the past.

5. Stop Procrastinating

People trying to get their lives together often find it difficult because they procrastinate too much and never complete their short-term and long-term goals. If you make time for everything you need to do, you’ll be able to get your life in order without too much stress.

Remember that there is no better time than the present, so start today if you haven’t already.

6. Take Better Care of Your Physical Health

Another thing that can help you get your life together is taking better care of your physical health by eating healthier and exercising more. A healthy lifestyle will keep you in shape, improve your mood, and prevent illness from taking over when getting your life together.

7. Follow Your Passions

Doing what you love is one of the most rewarding feelings, so following your passions can help you enjoy getting your life together. In addition, your desires are unique to who you are as an individual, so finding them will help you identify yourself and give you something to fall back on when times get tough.

8. Value Your Time

time is money, value your time to get your life together

Getting your life together means learning to value your time and not wasting it on mindless activities like social media or watching TV all day. While social media is a great tool, and everyone loves binge-watching their favorite shows, they are addictive. So try to balance your social life with other hobbies so you can enjoy social media without getting addicted to it.

9. Seek Guidance From A Counselor

Getting your life together is about ensuring you’re going in the right direction and being happy with where you are now. An excellent way to do this is by seeking guidance from a professional life coach trained in social sciences to help you analyze your feelings and develop the best solution to your problems.

10. Find Yourself Through Self-Reflection And Introspection

Another thing that can help you get your life together is finding yourself by reflecting on who you are as an individual. It’s all about being comfortable in your skin, so go out there and do what makes you happy because it’s important to stop worrying about what other people think of you. Being true to yourself is the best way to get your life together.

11. Be Honest With Yourself

look in the mirror face past and be honest with yourself

Being honest with yourself and learning when to say no is vital to your self-esteem so you can live a positive lifestyle without hurting others. You can’t constantly be nice to everyone and try to please them all the time, so it’s good to have a backbone and stick up for yourself.

12. Let Go Of Your Need To Control Everything

Another common issue that can prevent you from getting your life together is controlling every situation. You’ll find it challenging to get things done if you’re too busy worrying about what’s happening around you, so try to relax and enjoy the ride because successful people know how to let go of things.

13. Celebrate Your Accomplishments

It’s important to celebrate your accomplishments to keep yourself motivated. You can do this by sharing your experiences with family and friends who support you or treating yourself to something nice now and again. Also, don’t forget to take time out for pleasure because successful people know how important fun is to a healthy lifestyle.

14. Review Your Decisions And Actions Before Acting On Them

When you get your life together, reviewing your decisions and actions is crucial before blindly going forward with something that might not be in your best interest. Getting your life together is all about making good choices because successful people know their limits and don’t bite off more than they can chew.

15. Don’t Compare Yourself To Others

Comparing yourself to others is a common thing that prevents successful people from getting their lives together. It’s good to have role models and look up to them, but trying to be like someone else will hold you back from being successful on your terms.

16. Be Grateful For The People In Your Life

Show gratitude to the people who matter to you and ensure they know how much you care. It would help if you never forgot to show appreciation to everyone who helps you achieve goals and accomplish things because it will make them want to be there for you even more.

17. Make A To-Do List

One of the most important things to keep in mind when getting your life together is to make a list to stay organized. Write down all of the small to-do’s preventing you from getting big things done, and prioritize them so you can knock them out one by one.

18. Take Action

Getting your life together is about physical activity to accomplish goals and reach milestones. Of course, it would be best if you always strived to do more to improve yourself, but you can’t spend all day in your head trying to come up with the perfect plan because that’s how people fail to take care of themselves.

19. Don’t Rely On External Validation

Successful people know they shouldn’t rely on external validation because someone always tries to bring them down. It’s normal to have a moment of insecurity, but fighting through it will help you achieve so much more in life because successful people don’t let anything stop them from achieving bigger and better things.

The key to success is internal – not external happiness.

20. Delay Gratification

get your life together by delaying gratification

Another common issue that prevents people from getting their lives together is the inability to delay gratification. You shouldn’t always expect something in return for helping a friend, doing a good job at work, or giving someone credit where it’s due because you never know what will happen if you don’t step up.

21. Get Up Early

Taking simple steps like waking up early in the morning can help you get your life together and have enough time to do everything that needs to get done for the day. If you’re great at multitasking, this will be particularly easy since you can do most things simultaneously. Waking up early is just one simple way to get your life together.

22. Track Your Net Worth

Successful people know they should track their net worth to see how their business is doing, but it also goes for their personal life. If you’re trying to get your life together by making wise financial decisions, then it’s essential to keep track of all of the money you have and the money you’re spending.

23. Develop An Effective Routine

develop a routine to get your life together

A straightforward way to get your life together is by having a daily routine that helps you accomplish simple tasks and larger ones. For example, you should always try to wake up early, go to sleep on time, and eat as healthily as possible because those simple steps can make a big difference in your life balance.

Getting your life together is impossible without a routine, meaning life management is about being mindful and intentional with all areas of your life. Nobody said getting your life together would be easy, so you have to do what must be done! You must follow your morning and evening routines to balance life.

24. Aim For Progress, Not Perfection

Another simple way to get your life together is by aiming for progress, not perfection. Of course, you should always strive to do great things, but you shouldn’t expect yourself to be perfect at everything immediately because that will leave you feeling like a failure.

Instead, you should always try your hardest and be proud of everything you accomplish along the way, even if it’s not perfect.

25. Set Up A Budget

Budgeting should be on top of your to-do list, especially if you want to improve your financial goals. One simple way to get your life together is by setting up a budget to know how much money you have, where it’s going, and whether or not there will be enough for the future.

If you don’t keep track of your finances, you’ll struggle to accomplish your goals and dreams because there won’t be any money left after bills and daily expenses.

26. Be Frugal

how to save money for beginners and be frugal with a piggy bank

Being frugal is an important personal finance tip because it doesn’t matter if your finances are in perfect order. If there isn’t enough money to cover unforeseen expenses, it will be challenging to save up for retirement.

However, it would be best if you always tried to spend as little as possible on everything, including clothes, food, entertainment, and more, because it all adds up to help you get your life together.

27. Start Small

One simple personal growth tip for getting your life together is starting small and working your way up. If you try to accomplish too much at once, you’ll end up feeling like a failure because there’s no way one person could do everything you’re trying to do.

Instead, it would help if you tried to take one step at a time, set personal finance goals, and keep progressing until you reach your ultimate goal of getting your life together.

28. Face Your Fears

Another personal development tip for getting your life together is facing your fears to control your personal or professional life. The only way to truly get your life together is by overcoming fears that are holding you back.

You should always try to face your biggest fear first because it’s the most challenging and will make you feel better about conquering other smaller fears on the path to getting your life together.

29. Turn Dreams Into Goals

You should always create daily goals for life improvement, but don’t forget to dream big because you never know what will happen if you dream about achieving something huge. Your dream life can be about anything you want, but meeting your goals is crucial, so they hold more weight and become a reality.

30. Take Care Of Your Emotional Health

take care of your mental health to get your life together

One of the most important personal growth tips for getting your life together is taking care of your emotional health. It would help if you always strived to make time for activities that make you feel good, which will help you get through adverse circumstances and fight off feelings of depression.

Maintaining a positive attitude is a great way to get your life together because negative emotions like jealousy will fade away.

31. Start Engaging In Healthy Activities

Taking care of your emotional health is important, but engaging in healthy activities every day is crucial. For example, it would help if you made it a point to exercise daily and eat the right foods regularly to feel good inside and out.

In addition, it would be best if you never let your body give in to bad habits, which will make you feel tired, old, and unmotivated.

32. Be Grateful For What You Have And Who You Are

One of the most straightforward tips for getting your life together is being grateful because it’s easy to forget how lucky we are from time to time. So instead of letting negativity get the best of you, try to be thankful for what you have and who you are every day.

By being appreciative of the good things in your life, nothing will seem nearly as hard or impossible because it’s easy to accomplish anything you choose if you’re grateful for it.

33. Take Action

disciplined action to take control of your life

One important tip for getting your life together is to take action. If you want to be successful, it’s important to stop waiting for the right moment and take actionable steps towards realistic goals every day instead of dreaming about how great things will be when you finally get your life together.

34. Even If You Don’t Want To – Ask For Help

Asking for help is a simple personal development tip for getting your life together because sometimes we need a little advice from somebody else. It would help if you weren’t afraid to ask for help or tell somebody how you feel because it’s the best way to move forward and get your life together.

35. Quit Taking Things So Personal

Another simple tip for getting your life together is to quit the habit of taking things personally. If you want to be more successful, you must stop blaming yourself for everything because bad luck happens in life. Of course, it’s easy to complain about the problems in your life, but quitting this habit can help you get at least one step closer to getting your life together.

36. Cut Out The Drama

Getting your life together is easier when you consciously try to cut out all the drama in your life. If there’s anything that could stand in the way of personal growth, it’s people who make everything about themselves or cause problems for no apparent reason.

Don’t let negative people get in the way of your dreams by causing you stress.

37. Develop Positive Hypnotic Language

positive morning affirmations to get my life together

Developing positive hypnotic language is one of the most valuable personal development tips for getting your life together. You can’t change anything until you start to view it differently, which means changing how you talk about specific problems in your life.

If you want to think positively, it’s important to stop telling yourself that you’re not good enough or that things will never get better.

38. Be Positive

If you want to get your life together, it’s important to approach it on a daily basis with positive thinking and reinforcement. This can be difficult because sometimes we’re just being realistic, but positive thinking is a great way to combat stress and become happier overall.

39. Understand The Victim Mentality

Stop victimizing yourself and other people. If you want to quit making excuses, it’s important to understand that nobody is putting you down; you’re doing it all alone. Furthermore, nobody makes you feel bad about yourself on purpose, so try not to victimize yourself or others since being a victim will hold you back from ever getting your life together.

40. Accept What You Can’t Change

stop worrying about things you cant change to get your life back

One of the best personal development tips for getting your life together is accepting what you can’t change. Think about it: Why stress over things you have no control over? Most of the problems in life that we stress about are entirely out of our hands.

So if you want to get your life together, it’s important to accept what you can’t change and focus on what you can – which is pretty much everything else.

41. Maintain A Positive Outlook

Maintaining a positive outlook isn’t easy because sometimes bad things happen out of nowhere, and it can be tough to keep thinking positive when you’re deep in the trenches and having a difficult time. However, if you want to get your life together, you need to start viewing problems as opportunities and bad situations as temporary.

41. Learn Deep Breathing Exercises

Learning deep breathing exercises to reduce stress and stay calm in high-pressure situations is important. Breathing is a simple technique, but it can have a powerful effect on how you think and feel.

42. Stay Focused

Getting your life together is easier when you stay focused, but that can be hard to do because technology is everywhere these days, and we’re constantly being distracted by the modern world. So if you want to accomplish something, it’s essential to understand where your priorities lie to focus all your energy on those goals.

43. Improve Your Financial Life

money manifest and the law of attraction

To get your life together, you must improve your finances by getting a handle on personal finance and budgeting. This can be difficult because no one teaches this stuff in school, but it’s important because many people stress over money, and it can be hard to get your life together when you’re always worried about money.

44. Be Goal-Oriented

One of the best ways to get your life together is by being goal-oriented. You need to know what you want out of life before going after it, which means that goal setting is a crucial part of the process. If you’re going to get your life together, you must start goal setting right now – not tomorrow, not next week, but today.

45. Develop Strong Relationships

It’s important to develop strong relationships with friends and family because this is how we live our lives. Nobody ever gained life experience by reading life advice books or watching TV, so if you want to get your life together, it’s important that you start living life instead of just watching it go by.

46. Get Eight Hours Of Sleep Each Night

You can’t get your life together without getting enough sleep at night, so the first step towards life management is getting to bed on time. These little things might sound easy, but they can be challenging for many people because they stay up late watching TV or surfing the internet when they should be sleeping.

47. Understand How Habits Affect Life

Understanding how habits affect life is important because this knowledge empowers you to live life organized. To get your life together, you must understand how patterns work and use this knowledge to build good life habits.

48. Explore Mindfulness Meditation

Suppose you want to get life management right. In that case, mindfulness meditation is an excellent alternative because it’s a simple way of clearing negativity from your mind and staying focused on the task at hand. The best way to use mindfulness meditation is by setting aside 10-20 minutes every day and meditating without distractions.

49. Remain Calm And Keep Moving Forward

Getting your life together is impossible without moving forward, which means that life management is all about knowing when to stop and reevaluate. If you want to live life in an organized way, you must take the time to reflect on where you are in life instead of just rushing forward.

Don’t worry about what other people think – this is your life, so you have to live it the way you want!

50. Remember Life Lessons

As we grow older, we all learn life lessons, but we usually focus on learning from our own life experiences and never bother to think about life management. However, if you want to get your life together and improve your life, life management is important because life lessons often come too late.

51. Understand The Difference Between Your Area Of Control And Your Area Of Concern

Getting life management right is about understanding the difference between your area of control and your area of concern, which means that life management is about doing enough and knowing what to do first. This life management stuff is confusing, but life won’t wait for you, and life lessons aren’t easy to come by!

52. Let Go Of The Things You Can’t Control

area of control, area of concern, and area of influence

We all worry about life whether we want to or not, so you must let go of the things in life that cause stress and anxiety. This life management stuff is tough, but life will always be life – you can’t avoid life forever because life doesn’t give you second chances.

53. Think About The Consequences To Potential Actions

If you want to get life management right, life management is all about thinking about consequences before taking any life-changing actions. This life management stuff isn’t easy, but life challenges us every day, and the only way to beat life is by getting life under control!

54. Push Yourself

Nobody likes getting stressed out or worried, but if you want your life to be magnificent, life must challenge you to take your life back. Life management is about pushing yourself because life lessons often come too late!

55. Ask For Feedback

Life management is all about getting feedback from other people because this life stuff isn’t easy. The best way of dealing with life management is by getting life lessons from life experiences, which means that life management is all about challenging life! So ask for feedback and learn to receive negative feedback positively.

56. Set Healthy Boundaries

Getting life under control isn’t easy because life challenges us every day. You must set healthy boundaries so and intentional living. This life management stuff is hard, but you get what you give in life.

57. Live Life Intentionally!

Once you have established your goals, taking responsibility for your actions is an excellent way to get your life together. Living with integrity means taking responsibility for the decisions you make in life. Making mistakes is not a bad thing because it teaches us valuable lessons.

Be very intentional about taking care of your health and yourself.


Getting your life together isn’t easy if you don’t know what to do with your time. Use the information outlined above to improve your life and organize yourself to spend more time doing things that matter to you! Life management is all about learning from life experiences and challenging life.

Hopefully, this post has given you some insight into what it takes to get your life together because nobody said getting your life together would be easy.